When Inducing Labor Results in a Birth Injury

Labor is induced by obstetricians in about 20% of all pregnancies.

Missouri Birth Injury Attorneys

While at times it may be medically necessary, there are instances where labor is induced simply for the convenience of either the expectant mom or the physician. It is important to realize that by electing to induce your labor you may be forcing your body to do something it is not yet prepared for. There are complications associated with labor induction that can affect both the mother and unborn baby. Be sure that you are aware of all possible risks before agreeing to the procedure.

Reason’s For Inducing Labor

There are some valid medical reasons for inducing labor such as: a pregnancy that has progressed 2 weeks past the due date, the baby has ceased to thrive in the uterus, the amniotic sac has ruptured but labor has not yet begun, the placenta has stopped functioning, or the mother has an acute illness such as pre-eclampsia. In these instances it would typically be considered negligent for your obstetrician not to recommend speeding along the delivery of your baby.


Roughly half of all labors that are artificially induced result in a caesarian delivery. The drugs used to start the labor process produce stronger contractions then what you would experience with a natural labor progression. The intensity and frequency of the contractions can cause distress and oxygen deprivation to your baby. The same force may also cause excessive bleeding from the mother as the placenta may start to detach prematurely.

Fetal Monitoring

Careful monitoring of the unborn baby is recommended to ensure that he does not go into distress. Standard procedure is to cut back on the labor inducing drug if the monitors show an abnormal heart rate of the baby. Prolonged labor from an inducement is a common risk and a fetus’ brain will not be able to tolerate those extended periods without oxygen for very long. An unborn baby who is subject to the frequent, prolonged contractions that are common with an induced labor may suffer irreversible brain damage as a result. A perfectly healthy baby at the start of the labor may now be facing a lifetime of constant medical care as a result of it. If the monitors indicate that the baby is in distress then an emergency caesarian section will usually be performed immediately. Parents who feel that an induced labor was allowed to continue in spite of signs of fetal distress should contact a medical malpractice attorney. Fetal monitoring is done for a reason. If its results are ignored by the physician or medical staff then they could be held liable for your infant’s poor health at birth.

Making headlines in Missouri recently is the case of a young couple whose baby was born with permanent brain damage. In this case, the obstetrician offered to induce labor at 39 weeks for personal reasons. She did not present the risks factors to the couple. The expectant mother endured hours of intense labor despite signs of fetal distress. They were unaware at the time that their physician had scheduled at least 5 other inductions for the same day and she was too busy with those to properly attend to the plaintiffs. The baby was born with multiple brain injuries and will forever need medical attention, therapies and around the clock care. The hospital and physician reached a settlement agreement of 5 million dollars.

Birth Injury

A parents’ worst nightmare is to see their own child suffer. Especially in an instance where it was completely unavoidable. If your physician suggested an unnecessary labor inducement and you believe that you or your infant suffered injury as a result, seek the help of a St. Louis birth injury lawyer at Zevan and Davidson. We can help you get the answers you deserve.

Call us today at (314) 588-7200 to schedule a free consultation.


photo credit: jonrawlinson

Missouri Medical Malpractice Lawyer

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